
I grew up in the 100 yr old log home pictured above. We actually had our own Honky Tonk inside, complete with bar, pool table, pinball machine, and an old Rockola wall mounted juke box. My dad filled that jukebox with the best classic country 45's you can imagine. Many hours were spent shooting pool with my brothers & friends, singing along to those tunes. Those times are what formed my preference to the classic country sound that I love to this day.

Not only did we listen to music, we played as well. My dad played guitar and dobro. I first learned to play guitar when I was 14, then 5 string Scruggs style banjo a few years later. It was shortly after that I started writing songs. My first "serious" song writing happened right after I got out of the Air Force. My co-writer was a buddy who got stationed over in England. I was in Southern CA, and we sent cassette tapes back and forth with ideas. Yes, it took weeks to get tapes back and forth. Nothing like the Skype available today!

Fast forward a few years and I was in a Christian "semi" rock band. I learned to play bass since we needed a bass player. We were only together a few years, but we did record a CD together.

Since then, I've been witing off and on. I had my song "I Underestimated Loving You" remain on the European Country Chart for over a year, topping out at number 8. I've had a few of my songs get cut by Indie artists, and still remember to this day the first time I heard myself playing over the radio. What a thrill that was!

A couple years ago, I teamed up with Dan (firesong) Simmons to record a country gospel CD called, "Shades of Grace".

I was a co-host on the Country Dreams Radio Show with Al Shephard from January 2010 through December 2012 helping to promote independent music artists and songwriters.

I currently play on the praise and worship team at my church, and am proud to see my son and daughter getting involved as well. Although our tastes in music differ, we share that common bond of love of music. It's a blessing to see that it's being passed along.

Feel free to send me a message, I'd love to hear what you're up to, what your latest musical endeavor is..... whatever subject. Thanks for visiting my site.


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